Ok I will finally say it. I haven't gotten an eating disorder but I think I will. you see, three years ago in 6th grade I was really fat. my mom told me to quit the junk food and to start eating healthy. I did and lost tons of weight. then, I became obssesed.
I count the hours I go with out eating and if they less than 4 and I eat, I freak out. I have never puked cause I see that discusting. I also don't eat at school and wait till I get home cause my mom gets me to the table. I'm not bones or anything but I'm quite slender. My period even stopped when I started to drop weight. right now I'm 15, 5' 0'' and weigh like 95 lbs.

I'm scared I have a disorder but I just can't stop! I can't tell my parents because I'm scared. I 'm afraid they will put me in some clinic and never trust me again. please help