I won't go into details, but I'm pretty certain that I have Depression.
It runs in my family; my mother has it and my sister says she has it. My mother claims my sister doesn't, but I believe she does...I'm not a hypochondriac, by the way. The last three things I've gone to the doctor for have resulted in 2 surgeries, and one medication that I have to take for the rest of my life.

The thing is, I don't want to talk to my mother about it because 1) Last time I tried, when I was 11, she laughed in my face.
2) I've always been the kind of person to insist that they're "fine" regardless of what's going on and it's difficult for me to ever ask for help or admit anything's wrong.

How do I know if it's just "Teenage Angst" or if it's actually depression?