...has a pseudo tumor .? the tumor causes spinal fluid to put pressure on her brain causing extremely bad headaches.they have put a "vp shunt"in her head to redirect the fluid to her stomach.she was also ck'd for ms.she has degenerative disc disease in the lumbar region which has affected her hip.the fluid from her spine has also caused vision issues.these things i know are real but sometimes i think she wants something devasting to be wrong.when she was told she didn't have ms,she acted almost disappointed.same thing about some possible eye surgery that she was told didn't need to be done immediately.she says it's because nobody can put a label on her health issues.she also finds things that cause her to have to go to the doc,which leads to a battery of tests that generally show nothing.her pcp and i have finally got her into thearpy,but to do so, her doc told her it was for some medication changes.i do know she feels this pain,but i don't know truly how much.we constantly go from doc to doc,& test to test.