OK so about a week ago my dad at night keep walking in to I guess check on me. So i was starting to get mad cause you know invading my privacy. So I started locking the door and every morning I keep finding wide open and i don't share a room so I was like what the hell.
Anyway then I still locked it but put the dresser in front of it. Then one night i remembered he keep trying to open it but couldn't. So the nest day I did it again but this time he got it open and when he did I woke up but the fell asleep like really fast. All i saw was his shadow there at the door. I don't remember anything at all after that. and now since then our relationship is weird and awkward. I feel like he knows things and it scares me. When he stares at me It's like he's a stalker or something. What should I do? I keep trying to forget about this but it keeps coming back to me.

BTW: I don't live with him anymore, parents got separated and he also accuses me of stealing his porn which is crazy and disgusting. why would I do that? Anyway I barely see his only like once every 2 weeks. And I'm scared to tell anyone , they may think I'm overeacting.