I know that it's normal to feel like this sometimes but, i just feel like...it's pointless. I'm not saying that i want to end it i'm just saying that i don't want to participate anymore. Everyone i've talked to says that i'm a happy person but i think it's just a face i put on because i don't know or want to find out how other people would react to my emptiness.

I just feel like i won't ever be happy again. I don't know the medical term for it but my dad is always saying that "Chemical Depression" runs in the family and i can't find that anywhere on the internet and i don't really know how to approach my family members in asking for their help or asking them if i should see a doctor about it. I just feel like it would be a let down or i would feel ashamed of it. The only reason i'm able to post this on here is anonymity. I just need to know how to or if i should even bring it up to my family.

I feel like no matter how much i do of whatever is expected of a normal person to do i won't ever amount to anything. I have a cert for computer repair and i'm looking at going to college in the summer for networking but i just feel like it would be a waste of my time. I'm just rambling but I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through these feelings and if you have if you could give me some insight in how you handled it or went about handling it.