I've had sleeping and anxiety/depression (more on the anxiety side of things) for quite a long time, and recently it's been worse than ever, so I went to the doctor. She told me to get the over-the-counter sleeping agent Melatonin, and if it didn't help my sleep to come back soon. It didn't, so I went back and she put me on a Clonazepam prescription for my sleep. She didn't want to start me on two medications (one for each issue) at once, so she though that she'd start with my sleep and see if that made anxiety any better. It helped with my sleep a bit, but made me feel really emotionally low, making the anxiety and depression worse. You aren't supposed to give Clonazepam to people under 18 because it does just that, emotional disturbances. So I'm going back to get started with something else.

I'm just looking for general help, recommended medications, things that might be wrong with me, stuff like that.

I've tried the alternatives, I eat well, exercise regularly, etc etc etc. All those issues are covered. It has got to the point where medication is basically the only answer. I just can't seem to relax my mind at night, and am usually pretty emotionally low unless something makes me happy. It's kind of like there's no in-between, I'm either happy or feel negative (mad, upset, or just really flat and low)