It started about a year ago when I went to a restaraunt and all of a sudden I could not breath and felt tension in my head everthing started getting black until it cleared and I was better. I went to the E.R and everything came back good. I had a cardiogram and that was good I also had a heart monitor and it did show some irregularities but doc said nothing major. The doctor did say that he could hear a tiny little click in my heart rhythm but when I went back recently for a check up doc said my heart sounded healthy. I also had blood tests and they came back okay. I notice that I feel them when I'm very happy or mad or under any stress. I feel them when I have a stong emotion and I hate it because I can't get excited about anything. I also feel them when I'm cleaning as I bend or do sudden moves. Is it in my mind or can their be something wrong that the doctor could not detect? Please someone help. Thank you.