I'm sixteen years old and I am constantly cracking my knuckles. Whenever I hear someone crack their knuckles or even think about cracking them I need to. It has gotten to the point where certain joints in my fingers don't even crack anymore.

Not only this but both of my elbows and wrists can crack nonstop.
Both of my knees crack whenever I bend them to a certain point.By the end of the day my knees feel completely worn out and weak.
Whenever I move my neck I can feel it grinding.
And all of my toes crack whenever I move them, making it extremely annoying to walk or stretch.
I also can crack my back starting at my lower spine and moving it to the top.

I realize this might have to do with my rigorous sports schedule. I average 2-3 hours a day year round between softball,volleyball,and school weight training, which I have lettered and play competitively in all three.But still, I don't know anyone that "cracks" as much as me.

Is this dangerous or is there anything wrong?
Should I consult a doctor?