I recently had a cat scan and the part of the report states that theres evidence for hydrosalpinx or tubo-ovarain cyst. I had a laparoscopy for multiple cysts and to see if my endo had grown back in august, but nothing was there, not even the cysts. apparently the bc made them disappear before the surgery. I have been on the same bc since, but still have cysts forming. What could cause hydrosalpinx or tubo-ovarian abcess? I dont have STD and havent been diagnosed with PID? And as far as I know I haven't had an infection, but the bc ive been on is the nuvaring if that matters. Ive already googled and everything else, so please dont send me links about what causes it and things like that. Ive made a dr appt but its not until the end of feb. Im worried so I just dont wanna wait to ask questions. thanks