i'm a 13 yr old girl and i have been shy ever since i was little. but i want to know how to stop this. it's ruining my life. i was picked on in middle school and now i'm even more shy than b4. i think i have a social anxiety disorder b/c now i'm afraid to go outdoors even though i really want to. i also had thoughts of suicide b/c everyone was being mean and picking on me a lot and i also think my parents don't care b/c they never did anything about it. i'm home schooled now but it's no fun staying indoors.
my parents never even told me if i was important or not, so i guess they don't care if i'm here. i tried almost committing suicide, but i'm not sure..
please tell me what to do! my parents don't know that i have this they just think i'm shy, but it's really more than that. i want to go to stores sooo bad but i'm too scared b/c i never have any courage.
how do i tell my parents that i need a therapist?

i don't want to be shy anymore. i want to be more outgoing. i have no friends because of not talking. you might say "be yourself" but being myself isn't really helping. i want to be someone else but in a positive way. i hate being shy. i'm too scared to go outside, to speak, EVERYTHING!
i know this is long, but i really need some help b/c i don't think i'm gonna make it in life.