I do admit that I look and dress pretty gothic-ish(I don't go to the extremes though), and I have long hair, and we all gothic people are not what society considers, "normal" so I get stared at alot in public, especially in mall's and stuff. I mean, I like the way I dress and the way I look but I still get pretty affected by what others think of me. I want to be able to walk and ignore the people passing by and staring and not wonder what might be going through their minds, but I don't know how. I do feel good about the way I look, but I am not very confident in public. I want to not care what people think about me and not be affected by what they might say about me either..............................but I need help.

P.S: Please don't give me answers like "what matters is what is inside" cause that REALLY doesn't help at all.