Ok, I'm 14 and I don't sleep enough. I'm an anime freak, so I stay up all night watching it on my computer, I always download it, so even when my parents turn off the (wireless) internet I still watch it. By the time I finish it, I do my homework around 12, and finish around 1. I set my alarm around 6:30. I have high cheekbones so my dark circles show. I've tried just forgeting anime but I'm really obsessed now....and whenever I do that I occupy myself w/ email, gaia, myspace,facebook, and even y answers (like right now)...I've tried tylonel pm but I got a tolerace from it. they don't work anymore. I'm starting to get an eating disorder (I only eat when my parents force me) so at night I'm hungry and that doesn't help. My friends said exercise helps so I do that already for about 2 hours a day.