I'm 14 & so unsure of myself in everything I do. I wish I could find myself, but I just don't know how. I don't see how everyone seems to be so comfortable with themselves... I'm so self conscious of my personality because all of my family is a little different I guess you would say and nothing scares me more than the thought of rejection, which seems to be all too familiar with me. I'm ranked number one in my class & realize I have alot going for me, yet I have no confidence. I have only one close friend.. & I can completely be myself with her, but once she's gone I crawl into my introverted shell again. I can't imagine what will happen once we graduate and go our separate ways. My parents are both very reserved and quiet and on my bad days, I resent them for giving me that trait & sometimes take it out on them.. and then I know it's not fair of me to feel this way, so I give myself a hard time about it. I feel like I can improve myself if I set my mind to it. I've been paying close attention to the bubbly, outgoing girls I so envy for about a year now & feel like I've changed a little, but not enough.. Could I go to a psychologist about this? I feel like I'll never find someone who accepts me as I am & am afraid of never falling in love, getting married, or having kids because of my reluctance to get into any type of relationship.. How do I gain confidence in myself?