My brother is 18, 6'3'' and weighs 135 soaking wet. The boy doesn't want to eat. He says he isn't hungry... we don't think he is anorexic, he doesn't seem to display any of the psychological signs. But who knows.

ASIDE FROM PROFESSIONAL HELP what do you think could be wrong with him, and what can we do to help him?

My theory is that he feels that he has so little control over the rest of his life (our parents are very strict) so he expresses his need for control by restricting his eating. I rebelled as well, but expressed myself outwardly by partying and drinking and whatnot.

We've tried to find things that he likes, and makes sure they are always available to him. On the rare chance that we serve something that he likes to eat, he will actually eat it... but we constantly offer to cook him things he likes, but he gets annoyed with us.