Well I'm going to explain this to all of you. So new school year starts and this year I'm not sure if I can make it through. Because I have done very well past years people expect more and more of me. And more I give to them, more they expect. I have (yes I HAVE because I am not going to let anyone down) to go to art school (5 times per. week) regular school (5 times per. week), music school(7 times per.week), choir singing (2 times per. week), shooting(2 times per. week) and to acting class( 3 times per. week).

I am NOT complaining!!! I just want your help. And most important part is how can I have time to deal and recover of my eating disorders and at the same time be a good girlfriend ??? I am not going to tell my parents about my eating disorders because it would mean i have let them down. And i´m certanly not going to psych because i just dont have time to do this.

I feel like every techer and my parents want 100% out of me and I just dont have me time. I cant give up on any of these things, because it would me that i have let somebody down. Sometimes I ask WHAT ABOUT ME ???

Id like you to help me about schedule and How can I have time for recovering from my eating disorder .