I went out a few weeks back and a girl in a high heel stood on my big toe, it seemed to damage the nail though it didnt crack, my big toe skin (to the left of the toe) has gone very red as if its sore, its mildly hurting so my first suspision was it may have cracked it somewhere and caused the nail to ingrow slightly, but i cant see it anywhere or identify where it is, i think its half way up the nail, though when i put pressure on the nail it dosent seem to hurt, only the red skin to the left of the nail hurts, but i cant see any sign of an ingrowing nail, this was about 2 weeks ago it happened but i was just concerned since the pain has became a little more noticable, dunno wether to go see a sheropadist/doctor or if i should leave it.. im kinda lazy so doubt ill end up seing one, just worrying if itll get worse or die down, never suffered from ingrowing nails in the past.. think i can chance letting it die off or will it not grow out?!