my mother has not been to a doctor in 15 years..she has started to go and was told that she has high blood pressure. She was put on a thyroid medication and high blood pressure medication to make it go down and told to come back in two months. She went back this past week and it did lower but not as much as they had hoped. They want her to get an Ecko gram test done this week.
My daughter has heart valve disese so to me this is very upseting because I do not want to hear that my mother might have a heart probelm too.
Why hasnt her blood pressure gone down and how serious is this? I am going to travel to go to the doctor with her but i was just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and what does it mean, what questions should I ask the doctor if any.

my mother is 44, just quit smoking because of this, has a pretty healthy diet over all and just lost 15 pounds..anything would be helpful.