...really bad pms will this help at all? I have heard that yaz can cause both weight gain and weight loss in people. I was thinking that maybe if you were already heavy and had a tendency to eat a lot that it would accentuate that; thus, leading to weight gain
but im mortified of gaining ANY weight, and i know that birth control is commonly thought of as something that make you gain weight-- so does anyone know the answer?
If i do not change my eating habits at all and i am consistent with exercise etc- will my weight go up because of birth control?

ALSO i have very bad pms EVERY TIME i am premenstral, i have head aches, back aches, fatigue, and intense bloating. sometimes i gain up to THREE to FIVE pounds during my period. will yaz help alleviate this discomforts?

thank you so much everybody! your responses are extremely helpful!