so i'm a long distance runner and in the past, i've always been thin, fit, and had abs. recently, though, my appetite has increased A WHOLE LOT and i've been binge eating like crazy! the bad part is, i'm doing way less running, and i've been gaining tons of weight. now, i have no abs, and i've decided i need to get back in shape this summer. my routine, however (now that track season has ended) is go home, start eating a healthy snack (like cereal w. skim milk, yogurt, or fruit), wait awhile to digest, and then feel hungry and eat something very unhealthy in large quantities like chips, chocolate, or ice cream. afterwords, i feel really bad and go for a short run, feeling really sluggish as i'm doing so. i know that this is completely unhealthy of me, but i don't know how i can change this! i feel as if i don't stop now, i'm going to be a very unhealthy and large person when i am older (i'm currently 16)