About 30 minutes ago I drank water from a bottle in my closet. It was water from the faucet at home, which I took to college with me last semester. It had been in the refrigerator for about 2 months, then I took it out and put it in my closet before I went home for Christmas break. Anyway people kept telling me water never goes off, so I thought it would be safe to drink, so I drank some just now but it tasted really bad and I took a couple gulps of it. I'm really scared... I dont know if it will have a bad reaction in my body, should I be worried? I'm already feeling a little weird, but I don't know if its real or if I'm thinking myself into being sick. Help!! Should I be worried, what do I do!!!!!!!! This is serious I'm not making this up, I know it was a dumb thing to do and I will never do it again