For the past 6 months or maybe a lil longer, I have been having chest pains. The pain has gotten to more frequent in the past 1 months or so. The pain feels to be under my left breast, my breast does not hurt in any way, thats just where the pain seems to be coming from. The pain seems to never leave , unlike a few months ago where it came on maybe a few times real fast, then it was gone. It also feels like my heart is fluttering sometimes, like it bubbles, it doesnt hurt when it does that most of the time. Like today, the pain has been a constant thing, its not a very strong pain, its a very subtle pain. Im 36, and my mama died of heart failure 2 years ago at the age of 59, her mother died of it at the age of 42, so its in my family. Please no stupid remarks, and YES I know I should see a doctors, I just wanted to see if anyone has had this themselfs and what they did for it.

Thank you