anything about it?!!? Less than a month ago, I experienced sleep paralysis after an so called "out of body" experience.
Does anyone know more about this situation and can shed light on it.
I was dreaming about nonsense when all of a sudden my dream shifted and became very vivid.

I saw my body floating above a body of water like the ocean. I had a conscious but it was separate from my actually body, like watching myself in a movie. My body needed to get something from the bottom of the ocean so all of a sudden my body began to be pulled underwater. The father under water i went the more pressure was on my body. only it was my conscious that could feel what my body was experincing. like my physical sleeping body could feel the pressure of the water. I told myself i didn't like it and then my body started being pulled toward the surface and the pressure lifted. When I broke the surface i woke up. Only i couldn't move. I tried to scream but couldn't. I had sleep paralysis. lasted sev. mins.