years of the depo shot? I have been off of the depo shot for six months; after 12 years of being on the shot, I went off of it in June of 2008. My menstrual cycle began again in October of 2008. I am trying to conceive and track my ovulation cycles, etc.

On October 15th I began my first cycle with regular but light bleeding. November 17th I had my second cycle with light but again, regular bleeding. By December 19th I had not begun my third cycle, so I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I just figured my cycle is still trying to regulate and is running a bit late.

But yesterday, December 22nd, at 9 am, I awoke with a slight cramp. After a bowel movement, I had a pretty large release of vaginal blood; I assumed it was the beginning of my cycle. However, after yesterday's intital release, nothing else happened.

Then, this morning, Dec 23rd, I awoke with the same cramp, completed my bowel movement, and again had a large but singular release of vaginal blood. Nothing else since.

Is this normal when a cycle is regulating? Should I be concerned? What advice to you have for these odd symptoms? Or tips for me as I am trying to concieve and figure out my ovulation pattern yet I'm still appearing to be irregular after so many years of the shot?