Hi everybody, I'm from Venice...but it's understood american people are highly qualified when it comes to keep fit or to put on some muscles, as all the innovations in this field come from the USA...anyway, I have a basic question for u, as I've been told different things about this topic, and I get them confused...

I usually do a 20-minute workout three times a week, nothing really serious...just some cycling, but it helps improve my blood circulation and quicken my heartbeat in order to make me sweat, which I know is very important to keep fit.

I've been doing it for quite a long time now, and I'd like to start doing also some weightlifting along with some chin-ups or push-ups (depending on the day) so that I can put on some mucles, which would be appreciated.
I've been told muscles can't grow without the appropriate blood circulation, which is vitally important to mantain them...otherwise they grow during the physical exercise and right after they go away...