First question... I just found out I have iron deficiency anemia about a month ago, and I'm a dancer. I dance at least 4 hours a day, twice a week. Every once in a while I'll feel a little faint during class, but it's not too bad. I'm thinking I should slow down a bit, I'm just looking for a second opinion about that.

Second question.... About 2 or 3 weeks ago I completely stopped eating meat. It's not that I decided to become a vegetarian or anything, just for some reason I can't seem to eat it anymore, it repulses me now =/ I was wondering how that ties in with the anemia, like if my condition is getting worse or something like that. idk...

And last question.... Just this afternoon, I haven't been able to eat. I feel hungry but every time I try to eat, I feel like throwing up. And I wasn't like that this morning. So I'm curious about what's going on there.

I know, I know... most of you are going to reply with "go see a doctor".. but I don't have the money to go see a doctor at the moment...