Ok, since possibly the begging of this year, I've had these (hard to explain)

it feels like a big pump of blood
or bugs crawling around under my skin.
(maybe in the blood)

And I'm just so annoyed with it.
I just lye down, or sit, or stand etc and all these sudden bubble popping bobs just jittering around for
it can be just one, and stops and then a second later it;ll happen and over and over again. Like a pattern unitl I move my body, but they'll just return.
pattern ???
BB...BB...BBBBBB...BB.BB etc (BB = jittering)

Sometimes they can go on for ages until i move my body part they occur in.

This one time, it was happening in my upper arm and i saw my skin go up and down, up and down.

Not high, but I saw my arm moving! (Well about a 4cm by 4cm circle).

I get them everywhere ALL OVER my body,

toes, legs, ankle, knees, everywhere! even my bottom lip the other day!!
They are most common in my torso area and legs and shoulders and down .