I'm 17 and a junior in high school. My parents love junk food (as do I) and we always have some in the house. The minute we run out someone is going out to the local bakery or market to buy some more or we are baking some bakery or whatever else here at home. I am very lazy and eat a ton. I still manage to eat some fruits, whole grains, and veggies, but my main love is junk food. High calorie, salty and sweet crap. and don't forget fast food! We get that a lot too (mum and dad are lazy).
I only weigh 145 and at 5'7" that really isn't bad. I love my fat, little tummy and flabby thighs and have always had a fat fetish- I'd love to get fatter. I've got all the skills to be a fat gal, too. BUT lately I've felt the need to drop my donuts and go run on the treadmill gathering dust downstairs, or to try to lose some pounds, just to be a bit more accepted into the school and soon to be college community.

should I get fat and be happy? or get skinny and be accepted?