Did you think 16 years (17 Saturday) old is to young to have sex with a boy you really like? I mean I really, really like him we have know each other since second grade and now we are going out. Him and I are both virgins he turned 17 in June and I turn 17 Saturday and he is going to be gone for my birthday and he really wants to have sex with me and I want to have sex with him but, should we wait until I'm 17 or until we are both 18 or what? I mean we are planning on getting married when I finish college and girls have hit on him tons of times and I don't mind but every time that happens he always moves away.
He is really sweet. His parents don't care if he has sex because they think he has had sex before, and my parents know him and think he is sweet. So, should we wait to have sex? Thank-you if your time.
