I'm doing a project on epidemiology and would like to have your answers to the following questions below. They may seem long, but some questions don't require much to answer. Any help will be nice. Hopefully, this is the right area to put this questionnaire.
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1. From the 2002-2003 SARS epidemic, would you believe that the response timing and the procedure of isolating and quarantining the virus were effective?

2. In your opinion, are there some improvements or alterations that should be made to the way society handles cases that have the potential of becoming epidemics? If there are, what are they?

3. Due to the growing threat of super viruses, should changes or additional precautions be made to protect people who come in contact with the infected?

4. Health care and law enforcement officials are the first line of defense against epidemics and face the most stress due to the strain of wanting to keep the spread of the virus from growing and wanting to keep themselves protected. Should there be periodic test runs of the procedures of containment and isolation in the hospital environment?

5. People can recognize what the “Bubonic Plague” is or have somewhat of an idea of what that was. However, when people ask, “What was the 1918 Pandemic?” majority of the people will not know what it was unless they have seen it on a televised documentary, the news, and/or studied in the fields of pathology/epidemiology. Should the history of pandemics and epidemics be more stressed in the student curriculum?

6. Do you believe, society, specifically those in the industrialized areas, view epidemics as a true, live threat or is society too obscured by overconfidence in the epidemic prevention system and view epidemics as impossible situations to happen?

7. What are some suggestions for the general population of people to do to be better prepared if an epidemic or a pandemic strikes their area?

8. What way of viral transmission do you view is the most threatening? (i.e., airborne transmission, water transmission, animal contact, people contact, etc)

9. In your opinion, what viral strand and/or bacterial strand is/are the most threatening?

10. Has society’s way of preventing and containing epidemics improved, stayed somewhat the same, etc? Why?

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