I live in a country were alot of drugs is legal. For example: Efedrin. I've been trying to lose weight for ages, since i gained weight (fat). I used efedrin once when I lost weight. I lost 20kg in 2 months and was there for like 6 months till i started gaining again. Im now thinking about using effedrin again- But is this a bad idea? Can it be really bad for my heart to use this method once again? And if i use it, what should i do to stay at that weight without having to count calories et.c. I have a really hard time going that..

When i eat effedrin i eat 90mg everyday for 2 weeks.. I eat chicken, rice/potatoes, fish, tomatoes, sallad et.c and walk everyday. Then i take 1 week off and only train, eat same things, then i start again and keep going for like 3-4 weeks more. Then im at my goal. Atleast last ime