BREAKFAST - The same every day: One half grapefruit, one slice dry protein toast, coffee or tea.
MONDAY - Lunch: Lean cold cuts, tomato slices, lettuce, cucumber, capsicum, etc. + coke zero / pepsi max. Dinner: Tuna salad (same as wed lunch), grapefruit. Dressing = 100% fat free.
TUESDAY - Lunch: Fruit salad (bought at the caf). Dinner: Steak with tomatoes, lettuce, celery, olives, Brussels sprouts or cucumbers.
WEDNESDAY - Lunch: Tuna (not in oil) salad with lemon and vinegar dressing, grapefruit, coffee or tea. Dinner: Two lamb chops, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, coffee or tea.
THURSDAY - Lunch: Cold chicken on baby spinach with dressing + coffee or tea. Dinner: Two eggs, cooked cabbage, cooked tomato + weight watchers bacon. Coffee or tea.
FRIDAY - Lunch: Tuna salad (refer to wed lunch) coffee or tea. Dinner: skinless chicken, salad (as many vegetables as desired), coffee or tea.
SATURDAY - Lunch: Fruit salad, coffee or tea. Dinner: Cold chicken, tomatoes, grapefruit, coffee or tea.
SUNDAY - Lunch: Hot or cold chicken, tomatoes, carrots, cooked cabbage or broccoli or cauliflower, grapefruit, coffee or tea. Dinner: Steak, celery, cucumbers or brussels sprouts, tomatoes, coffee or tea.

+ 1 hr of cardio and 20 mins of weights each day

If I stay on this diet for 2 weeks, how much weight do you think I'll lose?
I'm currently 17 yrs old, 5'5, 137lbs.
