I got percocet on mar. 22. I got 30 5/325mg. I ran out yesterday.. My bottle said I could take 1-2 every 4-6hrs as needed. I ended up taking 2 every night before going to sleep. There were a couple of nights where I ended up taking 3 at night because I would wake up and the pain would keep me up again. It's been like 13-14 days since I got it. I want to ask my doctor for more because its been the only thing to help my shoulder but I don't want to be rejected of have them cut me off of everything. I had tried Norco but it made me super itchy, which is why the put me on percocet. I have to get another cortisone injection wednesday right into my joint, I know its going to cause more pain for a few days afterwords.. Should I ask for more or did I "abuse" it?