How come when I wake up in the morning my blood sugar is above the normal levels (normal <= 100; I'm having 110-140), but during the day and just before going to sleep it is in normal levels?

It is not everyday, but too often. Even on days that I am very sedentary, eating a lot, drinking a lot, my blood sugar is normal throughout the entire day, except when I wake up in the morning the same day, or the next day (it could be any day at all).

I already went to the doctor and I'll be getting some answers soon, but I wanted to see other answers here.

Is that some kind of syndrome? A different type of diabetes? Or something similar to diabetes but not exactly diabetes? The three types of diabetes I know of are Type I, Type II and Pregnancy Diabetes. I'm a guy so obviously is not the last one. And I am not showing consistent symptoms for the other two. I could be pre-diabetic, but even the doctor was not clear enough to me on that.

Does anyone know what this might be?