3 days ago in the morning i woke up drooling at the corner of my mouth. It started to irritate so i licked it and scratched it too. Soon it began to form blisters that seem like it has clear fluid inside but they are very tinny. So i went to the doctors today and he had the quickest look at it and said you have cold sore's its herpes. I was like what?!? no way cause i don't have any friends that have breakouts on their lip and mouth and i'm very careful with sharing my drinks. Never had sex, oral sex or kissed anyone in the mouth either. I got some cream anyways to see if it can heal the spot. The reason why i don't believe the doctor is because the spot only itches alot but doesn't hurt. Cold sores are painful right?... anyways i have 2 family doctors and i don't really trust my new one, the one i used to go and visit is too far but should i go see him also to let him look at it? He seems to know what hes talking about more

oh and my pillow was all dried up with sweat, and drool could that be the case why the corner of my mouth is infected?