...body temperature.? Hi, I just started tracking the LH surge (I used the product named ANSWERS) and basal body temparature. Here is my info:

I am not sure about my average cycle length.

June period started on June 16th.
July period strated on July 12th.

on the 5th of day cycle I strated tracking.
I forgot to track on the 8th and 9th of the cycle day.

on the 10th of cycle day I got NEGATIVE for the ovulation test.

on the 11th of cycle day, which is today... I got POSITIVE for the ovulation test and the RISING in basal body temperature.
However, I don't feel much change in my vaginal sensation. It's still wet. (Since I just started to learn about these things, I am not sure HOW STICKY should it be when there is an ovulation).
There is no discharged and I didn't feel the discharge in every cycle.
I understand that the results (positive LH surge and increasing in temperature) mean my fertile days. However what confused me is it is just only day 11th of the cycle day. Is it possible? thnxs