I've had 2 teeth removed because the teeth below (big teeth) were growing crookedly. When the big teeth didn't come through, I was referred to a specialist who said I should get traintracks to sort the other mouth problems (including a slight overbite and big front teeth) and to keep the space for the big teeth (which haven't grown through yet).

I've had removable braces before, top + bottom plus a lingual arch which held the spaces for the not grown teeth in case they did grow through for about a year.

All my orthodontic treatment has been on the NHS (because it's not only cosmetic), including the traintracks (5day's time).

My question is, do you get colours in your braces on the NHS? I would really like colours! If not, how much do colours generally cost?

Thanks and sorry this is such a long-winded question but I thought I should give you all the details so your answers can be accurate!
17 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.