I had one 1 week ago... Now i Dont remember Anything at all... This is what i was told I was staying at my mother's house I't was 4:30 in the morning and i woke up my Baby's Daddy and i was telling him i didnt know where i was or who i was or nothing he thought i was kidding around cause i went on the couch and layed back down and went to sleep and he left for work... about 1 hour later my mother came out of her room and i was on the floor faced down and i had lost tottaly control of my bowels all over the floor she woke me up and i was telling her i didnt know where i was and i was makeing funny noises i was walking around and i kept falling back down everytime i tried to get back up i would fall right back down and i broke a glass she called 911 and they came and got me when i got to the ER i guess i had a seizure there. Anyways i dont remeber any of it at all and im scared its gonna happen again and i wanna know why it happened or what could have caused it cause its scarey when u might have them and i got 2 little girls that live with me.