I was just told i was a diabetic new years eve (happy new year!) type 2 after being really thirsty for about a month i got tested. I took it extremely hard and was emotionally crippled for about a week. i am 26 and always played sports and worked outside. the past two years i worked a swing shift and sat inside and let my diet go. However, since 2 weeks ago the doctor cut back my meds a lot and my sugar hasn't gone over 125 since the first week i found out and often drops low. the point is, is it fair to say that if a person diets, exercises, keeps stress as low as possible keeping the sugar down then one shouldn't dwell about the effects that are associated with diabetes? or is this being to optimistic. i think with all the questions raised about it we need some positive insight........my positives are the daily incentive, to eat right, and exercise which leads to looking good and feeling good