am 15
weigh 11 stone /147 pounds
5 foot 8

6.30 wake up> do mixed work out just press ups sit ups ans quats
7.15 breakfast > 9 egg white a glass of oj and a glass of milk
get ready for skool
8.45 > 2 egg whites
10.45 >2 egg whites
1.00 lunch > 3 tins of tuna and 1/2 a portein shake and a tin of spageti
3.30>2 egg whites
4.30> sleep
6.00>wake up 1/2 a protein shake then homeowrk boring lol
7.00>work out diffrint groupes wat am doin each day is nearer the buttom plus i will take recovery pills
10.00 sleep

tuesday=bi s,tri s,legs,forearms,
wednesday= run for 5 miles
thusday=back chest shouilders,neck
friday=tri s,bi s legs,forearms

am training to be a pro wrestler so if u have a gd body uve won half the fight