I am a college student who just moved to St. Louis to attend the University of Missouri this semester. I have yet to find a job here in the city and therefore I am poor and uninsured. I desperately need to see a doctor because I am having problems with my menstrual cycle. I didn't have my period for around 4 months, now I've had it for 2 months straight and the bleeding is getting worse everyday. I had this problem previous to this cycle and a doctor did blood work and gave me 1 month of birth control. While this stopped the bleeding, the blood work showed nothing (except anemia) and left me with a 0 bill. I really need to figure out what is going on and get this bleeding stopped before I end up really sick. I am taking iron supplements and a woman's multivitamin in the meantime. If you know of any free or low cost health clinics in the St. Louis, MO area, I would appreciate it! Thank you!