im a licensed professional massage therapist and have been one for 2 years, and mind you i learned about the anatomy and physiology of the body. im not a doctor but i learned the quick basics in the 9 months of required schooling so please no scolding. okay so i massaged a woman about a week ago who requested a full hour of deep tissue on her neck, claiming she had tight tensed muscles and allot of knots. i did as she asked and worked her neck out pretty hard but perhaps a little too hard because she told me during the massage she was feeling a numbness going down her arm. ive heard of this before but knew this numbness would go down soon but it didnt she came in today and still a week later still had the numbness all the way down to her thumb. im worried i may have pinched a nerve around the neck causing the numbness. none of the therapist heard of numbness lasting so long. i tried to build blood circulation up in the arm in the session i had with her today but i still wish i knew more about:
*what i did wrong?
*what nerve i hit?
*and if its not asking too much what should i do or should have done?

now like i said, im a professional but not a mastered expert, theres so many bones, nerves and tabo spots not to hit during a massage that it can be quite frustrating when you cant recall all hundreds of muscles and anatomy details you learned 2 years ago. so any advice but be plenty appreciated! thanx much!