1.) what is true concerning primary teeth?
A. there are 27 primary teeth and the molars are permanent.
B. there are 24 primary teeth and no new primary teeth appear after 13 months.
C. there are 20 primary teeth and by 24 months of age most children have all 20 teeth.
D. there are 32 primary teeth and most children loose these teeth due to decay because they are never really strong.

2.) Which of the following is true concerning the # and type of permanent teeth.
A. there are 32 permanent teeth and the wisdom teeth are the last to emerge
B. there are 27 pernament teeth, and the 1st molars are usually the last to emerge.

C. The # of pernament teeth is always equal to the number of primary teeth.
D. The number of upper pernament teeth is not equal to the lower pernament teeth.

thank you!