My boyfriend is sooooo close with his sisters. He has told me that his ex girlfriend had a problem with it and it was like he had to get it off his chest when we first went on a date. Anyway I thought it is nice that he value his sisters and care about them. BUT now how I regret saying that - one of the sisters in particular is so needy of him. He is 26, she is 24 and the other one is 20 but she is normal and not so needy.

It's like him and his sister are best friends. They do everything together. She is jealous he got a gf because now she feels like she has lost him. She gets the hump when we don't constantly do family things with them, texts him to see if we are going. She befriended me (almost too friendly) and tried to make plans with us all the time , I thought she was being friendly but now it feels like she was fake to keep him close. She wanted us to go on holiday with them, she wants to be my best friend - and I have always been nice to her, but sometimes I want alone time with my bf and when we do she says we distance ourselves !! Then she blanks me at times and other times is nice ! She goes into the bathroom when he is in the bath to talk to him ! She got dumped and he let her stay in his bed the night as she was upset ! He was texting me and sent me a text meant for her, he lives with her why does he text her all the time ! She asked if I was going on holiday with them as a family and I didn't have the money so she told me to save up!!! She rang me when me and my bf had a row to try and resolve it. She goes out of her way for him and he does for her. She idolises him and is jealous of me. She even admitted she wished she looked like me and had my figure, looks me up and down etc. Asks where we are going, asks when we will be back...

Anyway my ex had a sister and they were close but they didn't idolise eachother ... this is what freaks me out. How do I overcome this jealousy of their relationship? Why is she being fake friendly to me or does she genuinly want to be friends? Why would she worry about being best buds with me?

I guess it's nice she includes me aswell but sometimes it feels too much? Do i need to be single to work on these insecurity feelings or should I stay with him and get over it? Would you feel this way? It doesn't help that he tries to change me and says he wants a girlfriend to be like her. I am so different to her she likes to stay in all the time and I'm glamourous and a social butterfly ... he wants me to be casual and have brown hair when I am blonde !! she is moody and swears at him and they act like a married couple.