I am leaving my job and I have a crush on my boss. We added each other on Facebook and I invited him to this night out with colegues I am organizing. He didn't answer.
Seems like he is not interested but he talks to me at every chance he can, asks if we can have lunch together, about my family and life, and once the collegues were joking if we could sleep together and he (serious) said yes but don't think I am a pervert.
I don't understand this guy? I want to be sure he is not into me so I can drop him off, but everytime I am about to he does something that makes me think the other way. Again in facebook I saw him only and said "hi" he wouldn't answer. After that I deleted him. Everytime we meet I caught him staring at me. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS DUDE! U guys think I am overeacting or is it right to let this go?

He is always looking at me and smiling, many people noticed and tell me, and that he is insecure, he thinks I am better than he is. True or he is not into me?