(This is pretty long)
I've always had a problem with getting heartburn frequently. Last night I think is the worse experience I've had in my life. I woke up with heartburn and went to the bathroom to get some medicine. (Well thanks to the cold that I have and this bad cough) I started coughing to the point where I felt like I was choking and the whole time my throat and chest were on fire. And it kept getting worse to the point where I was throwing up and crying from pain because my heart burn was THAT bad. When I finally was able to control my cough I ate about 12 rollaids and drank about a half a gallon of milk and it would just not go away. Eventually I just laid down on my back and ate some ice cubes to cool down my throat and I finally fell asleep. But however I woke up this morning and I still have heart burn (thankfully not AS bad)
Does anyone know any good medicine for heart burn/acid reflux? Or any good home remedies? I used to take zantac all the time because of my frequent heartburn and now it doesn't work for me.
Thanks in advance.

PS, I'm not pregnant and this is not why I've been getting heart burn.