heres the deck list for my deck of 43 cards:

monsters: 16
machina fortress x3
machina gearframe x3
machina force x1
ancient gear gadjiltron x2
cyber dragon x1
red gadget x2
green gadget x2
yellow gadget x2

spells: 18
geartown x3
terraforming x1
solidarity x2
smashing ground x2
book of moon x2
limiter removal x1
pot of duality x2
monster reborn x1
dark hole x1
giant trunade x1
mystical space typhoon x2

Traps: 9
bottomless traphole x2
trap dustshoot x1
royal oppression x1

solemn judgment x1
dimensional prison x2
mirror force x1
torrential tribute x1

just some explaining why i only have 16 monsters.
the gadgets all search each other out and so i always get another monster when i summon them.
the gearframe searches out other machinas so i always get more monsters to hand
and the fact that gear dragon and fortress can be spammed over again whether they are in the hand, deck, or grave (i.e. gear dragon from deck)
so even though i only have 16 monsters in the deck, that is still plenty.

so any tips to improve deck?