An interesting post on the Fronde blog from chief technology office James Valentine.He says with the move to the cloud accelerating, things look grim for traditional IT providers who are: “locked into outdated, on-premise delivery models often tied to legacy data centre investments.”
Valentine is on the money. While the same headline point could have been made any time in the last two years, there’s now a new acceptance on what were previously arguments against moving to the cloud. He says objections based on*sovereignty, privacy and security concerns have evaporated.
For me, the killer line is the next point:
…sovereignty is now rationally assessed in terms of proper data categorisation and receiving the appropriate levels of scrutiny when raised as an objection.
Valentine quotes Dickens. That’s appropriate. The man wrote*Hard Times*and*Bleak House.*Two titles that accurately describe life in the bunkers for old school technology vendors.[digitl 2013]
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