So, I know there's probably not many doctors on here..but I was wondering if anyone knew maybe what this could be. First of all, i'm a 24 yr old female. During the summer, what I was getting quite a bit would be heart palpitations (a sudden, skipped beat - which makes me feel like I have to cough to restart my heart) then followed by general fatigue, increased heart rate when doing very little activity, and just general uncomfortableness. When these symptoms are happening, my heart seems to be beating fine though- no skipping usually. It generally subsides after a few hours, or after I goto sleep. I went to the doctor for it and she didn't really seemed concerned at all because of lack of chest pains. She listened to my heart and said no murmur, no arrythmia that she could hear.. she said it's anxiety. Now granted, I do get anxiety attacks & I am an anxious person..but I dont think thats it. Now what I have noticed now is, now that it's cooler outside and summer is gone.. I rarely get those episodes. And before summer.. I didn't get them all that often either. Am I going crazy?? Can anyone help me out with this..