I hate to ask about this, but I honestly can't figure out how to get this to work. I have a Hitachi camcorder which can record to mini dvds. I finalized those dvds and I cannot get them to run or be recognized on my computer at all.

It could be that my dvd drive can't read these small dvds, but I can't find any spec info on my drive to begin with. I'm using a TSST corp CDDVD TS-H653Z. I've tried updating drivers, and again, yes, the dvds are finalized. I place the disc in the drive and they're not even recognized at all.

So maybe I'm just not sure of how to import mini dvd content to a computer. If I can't use my optical drive to do so then please list alternatives that don't involve buying another. Or maybe I need some software?

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated, thanks.