...hominem answers? The original question is about deceiving other people about who they are. Instead the idiots that have replied instead of delving into the question of the morality of revealing that they are transsexual/trans-gender/homos… to straight people they are flirting/dating, they go on to explain what the difference is as if people do not know already. It just proves the actual bigots out there who think that questions about the behaviors of other people are an immediate attack on the group. Idiots!

This proves that when it comes to morality and honesty transsexual/trans-gender/homos… are morally corrupt and avoiding such real questions and situation only adds to the evidence. The answer cannot be answered by them and apologists because they know it is wrong; because they know no one would approve of it. Only others who seek to deceive others will agree to it.

Transsexuals/trans-genders/homos… should not flirt with straight people because straight people want other straight people. Transsexuals/trans-genders/homos… do not get that because there is something wrong with their concept of boundaries. I used to think that transsexual/trans-gender/homos… flirting and dating is alright but after witnessing some predatory transsexual/trans-gender/homos… plus the quality of the answers of the apologists here has changed all that.

It seems there are only a few good apples in this sub-culture. The rest are either predators or apologists. Not to mention absolute idiots.